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No More Damage: The Right Steps of Cleaning Wooden Ceiling

The ceiling is one part of the house that is often exposed to dust and is easily stained. In addition to gypsum ceilings, wooden ceilings are also easily stained. However, the stains on the ceiling must be cleaned properly to avoid any damage, especially to the wooden ceiling. Therefore, here are the steps to clean the stained wood ceiling properly so it will not get damaged.

The Right Steps of Cleaning Stained Wooden Ceiling
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The Right Steps of Cleaning Stained Wooden Ceiling

1. Knowing the physical form or pattern of the wooden ceiling to be cleaned

There are various forms and patterns of wooden ceilings, such as rustic to contemporary wooden ceiling models. The model usually affects the stains because the wooden ceiling itself absorbs dust. Knowing the physical shape of this wooden ceiling is cru choosing the cleaning tools that you will use later, so that it will be easy for you to clean it.

2. Finding out the cause of the stains

Moldy, insect nests, or other stubborn dirt are kinds of filth that mostly occurred on the wood ceiling. It is a good idea to check the cause of the stained wood ceiling before you clear it. If it turns out that the stain is moldy, then it could be due to rainwater seepage from the perforated roof tiles. In this case, you need to fix the roof then clean up the ceiling.

3. Preparing the cleaning tools which are suitable with the physical form of the wood ceiling

The Right Steps of Cleaning Stained Wooden Ceiling

Choose the brushes that match the ceiling surface to avoid it will get peeled off or damaged. The wood ceiling needs to be cleaned by adjusting the tools to the type of stains to make it easier to clean the ceiling later. Additionally, you may use sandpaper or wet cloth if the stains are difficult to erase. Do not choose the cleaning tools carelessly to avoid any damage to the ceiling.

4. Cleaning the ceiling

The Right Steps of Cleaning Stained Wooden Ceiling

When cleaning a stained wood ceiling, clear the light dirt first such as dust or insect nests. Henceforth, you can start cleaning the stubborn dirt, such as mold or rust. For the stubborn dirt, you may add vinegar, acid, or petroleum to the water you use to make it easier to clean the stains. You need to be careful in scrubbing the wood ceiling to avoid scratch marks on it.

5. Recoloring if it is necessary

The Right Steps of Cleaning Stained Wooden Ceiling

If the stain is difficult to clean, then the next step is to recolor the ceiling. Recoloring the wooden ceiling doesn’t mean you change the color, but you can paint a color that matches the wood color, or you can also use another alternative. As an example, you can place a sticker with the same hues as your ceiling. Thus, your stained wood ceiling will look new.

If the stain on the wood is not immediately cleaned, the dirt will be hardened and stick to the ceiling. Therefore, you have to clean it regularly. Even if the stain has been removed, the stain will inevitably come again. Although it is troublesome, the steps above are required to create a clean and comfortable house.

See also: 5 Best Wood for Ceilings That Will Transform Your Home Appeal

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